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Sell your company for the right price on your terms.

Retain and attract the best talent to help you grow your business.

Make strategic decisions to drive growth and increase profitability.

Address issues at the right time for ideal outcomes.


Get everything you want out of your business. 

How to exit your business on your terms:


Complete your exit readiness assessment.

Clarify your ability to receive fair value for your ownership, maintain your desired lifestyle, and secure resources to support you after the transaction.


Strategically address issues and capture opportunities.

Create a plan to address and resolve issues that stand in the way of your vision. Be prepared to respond to opportunities that accelerate your goals.


Sell your ownership on your terms.

Maintain control as you navigate the process of selling your ownership.

Know exactly what you need before you sell.


Be confident that your exit plan aligns with your vision. Be proactive and leave no room for doubt or regrets.


Know that you are prepared to address and resolve any issues. And that you are ready and able to capture opportunities.


Maximize the value of ownership. Know that you have sufficient resources to leave whenever you are ready and leave on your terms.


You deserve to sell your ownership on your terms.

Whether this is your first time selling your business or your tenth, getting ready for a transaction is hard. Do not go into this process unprepared. Utilize our experience in helping business owners to amplify your results. At Blue Sky Business Guides we have seen various ownership structures and desired sale outcomes. We know what it takes to be ready for a transaction. 

Complete your readiness assessment and clarify exactly what you want from the very start. Get clarity on your vision and what resources are available to help you reach your goals. Enter the planning process with the peace of mind that you have an experienced guide helping you to achieve your exit goals. Let's get started today. 

Maximize your ownership value and exit on your terms.


Align your team with your growth goals.

How to create a valuable incentive plan:


Identify your growth goals and the people who can achieve them.

Complete your incentive readiness assessment to determine how to align your goals with your team's abilities. 


Determine what motivates these talented people.

Clarify what your key employees want to achieve and how to help them get there. 


Align their goals with your desired results

Provide meaningful rewards to key employees who meet your goals and contribute to the business's performance.

Create meaningful rewards for talented people.


Show your team that you mean results with specific, actionable goals. Provide specific rewards to match your goals.


Keep track of progress and know the effectiveness of your plan. Review and understand your team's results on a regular schedule.


Set goals that are achievable to build confidence and increase buy-in. Your team will know exactly what you want and how to get there. 


Create an incentive plan that consistently delivers results. Know you are investing in rewards that actually motivate your team.


Keep talented people on your team and reward them for their contributions. 

If you are like many business owners we work with, you don't know exactly what your key employees want. It's a difficult conversation to have and if it's done poorly it can lead to misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations. At Blue Sky Business Guides, we meet with your key employees and determine what their goals are so you can create meaningful rewards. There are many methods to reward exceptional performance. We create incentive plans that are proportional to the role and value created. Let's get started with your team right away. 

Achieve your goals by incentivizing talented people.


Reach your target valuation with strategic growth.

How to maximize the value of your business:


Complete your exit readiness assessment.

Complete your transaction readiness assessment to determine what risks and opportunities need to be addressed and with what urgency. 


Create a strategic plan to prepare for sale.

Create a strategy to intentionally address issues that may arise or need to be addressed prior to selling your business.


Sell your business for maximum value.

Ensure you get maximum value for your business and enjoy the outcome of your hard work. 

Specify your target and know when you achieve your goals.


Convert your vision into a growth target for your team. Reward your team for achieving your goals.


Continue to review and maintain progress towards your growth goals. Make adjustments as needed.


Utilize your resources effectively. Make decisions based on data and results. Consistently pursue your vision.


You deserve to maximize your business value.

We know how important selling your business is. Your hard work built your business and now you are contemplating the biggest transaction of your career. Congratulations! You are now on the right path to maximize the value you receive from the sale. 
You do not have to sacrifice profits or give up your time freedom to make it happen. In fact, just the opposite. When you get started with Blue Sky Business Guides you begin to gain time freedom and maximize your business's profitability. Let's start meeting your goals. 

Sell your business and get everything you want.


Mitigate risk that could derail your vision.

How to identify and resolve your business concerns:


Complete your risk analysis assessment.

Identify your exposure to business creditors, massive contingency events, and legal obligations. 


Create a strategic plan to address and resolve issues.

Clarify the implications of these concerns and determine in what order to address and resolve them. Maintain control as you navigate the resolution of these issues. 


Maintain progress towards your exit goals.

Be confident that your advisors are working diligently on your behalf to create the best solutions for your business and to protect you from unwanted outcomes. 

Identify and resolve risks.


Take precautions that prevent you, your business, and your family from being liable for unnecessary financial obligations. 


Create resources specifically for contingency events. Know that your business and your family are safe from creditors.


Sleep well at night knowing you have done everything you can to address any risks you may be facing. Know that our team is looking out for you.


You should be protected from risks.

No business owner should be kept up at night worrying about any What ifs? At Blue Sky Business Guides, we have over a decade of experience addressing and resolving contingencies for businesses. 

We know that you want to protect your family and your company. You shouldn't have to liquidate your life's work to cover your obligations. Let us help you identify your exposure and create a strategy to resolve your risk. Sleep better at night knowing we are looking out for you.

Know your business is protected from contingencies.

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